Sunday, June 5, 2011


Last night, or this morning I had a vivid dream about two black hawks. 
There was a group of us sitting on a hilltop overlooking a cityscape. Tall sky scrappers with hundred of windows cluttered the skyline. We sat in a way that positioned us in line with an ally of space between two sections of buildings. The sky was clear and calm. I sat with my girlfriend Shannon and a few other people who's faces I didn't see. We noticed this huge black bird flying off in the distance, as It got closer I could see it was a hawk. I have seen this type of bird before, it is grey and black, sort of ashy, and resembles a Osprey (another bird of prey/raptor usually living by the ocean.) The bird got closer and started dancing for us. She was spinning and diving back and forth, spreading her wings wide so we could see all the patterns and colors, she dipped and curved, twisted and bent like no bird I have ever seen, it was a spectacle and most of us were in awe of her. The tall buildings all around her (that reminded me of Seattle) created an interesting parallel with this majestic creature. We decided it must have been a matting ritual of some sort, because it was so unusual, she then faded back into the city. 
As soon as she disappeared another smaller and darker version of the same bird appeared. This must be the male we thought. With excitement we anticipated another show. He sort of flew up high passed the top of the buildings and then stopped, slowly crested, then started dropping. Like a perfect pendulum pointed straight down he just plummeted straight into the ground about 100 yards away from us. I gasped and immediately ran towards him, i could see blood pumping and spitting out from his body. I approached arms aloft and he kicked and trashed around trying to fly away, he did get off the ground for a second and in a mess of feathers and fluids he smashed into the side of the surrounding buildings. There he sort of perched on a ledge that was about head high, all I could think to do was grab him and take him to get help, it was instinct. I reached out again and in a split second he seemed to look right into my eyes and give up, he just fell into my hands. I covered his eyes and told Shannon who was closest to me to call a animal shelter or sanctuary where would could take him. We were downtown Seattle or (where ever this dream is happening) clearly no one knew where to take this poor bird, in fact no one seemed to care, the rest of the crew we sat with had all left and shrugged it off. I couldn't help but want to save this hawk. I had vision of me nursing him back to heath and making a little leather hood to cover his eyes, he could perch on my forearm and deliver notes for me, or fetch me keys and jewelry, he could be my companion and I could be the Beastmaster, it was going to be amazing. He didn't like all this though, he wanted out of my hands, that moment where he delivered himself to me in desperation was gone, now he was just biting and flailing all over trying to release himself from my clutch. I tyred and tyred to keep him calm and cover his eyes so he wouldn't be frightened. I wanted so bad to save this bird.
Then I woke up.
Why did he fall like that, what happened, what was he thinking during that free fall. I wish he would have pulled up and met his mate. Hope your ok black hawk, you beautiful majestic being, I tried to help you. 


  1. This is beautifully written buddy. Thanks for sharing. See you in August at your New York show!
